
About Me - Current Photos of the Truck

 It's been a couple years now that I've been building my conversion, and I'm glad to say that it's almost complete. When I started the build I had no knowledge of power tools, no experience driving a larger vehicle, and I had spent most of my money saved the past two years buying the truck outright. I had no knowledge in electrical, framing, plumbing, hardware, and the like. Almost right in the beginning I had to step away from the project for a year as I became a live-in caretaker, and once it was all cleared and estates were taken care off, I was able to start the build again. At this point was my last post made about putting in a skylight for the truck, and literally the next week I started my job at a local ACE hardware store- it seemed like a good opportunity to make more money and get to learn about all the topics I needed to learn. I'm thankful I had that opportunity and the people I got to meet. It helped me tremendously; Since that time I have learned more than enough to get this build done, and I hope the knowledge I've learned and experience/techniques I've acquired can help you build your own conversion too.



Sometime here soon (once it's a bit warmer out) I'll make a video walk through and talk a little about each project. I plan to make a post for each specific project here so that you can see how I designed mine and why, and what tools I used to get it done. At the top of the page I've made categories that I'll compile each type of project in - so hopefully that makes it a bit cleaner.

I post regular updates on my Instagram account @TinyBoxHome, and if you're interested in this type of conversion I would highly recommend making an account because there's many other people converting box trucks as well, all over the world! Most don't put a door in the side though haha.

Anyway, if you have any specific questions you'd like to ask me or specific topics you'd want me to address then feel free to send me an email through my contact form on the right, or leave a comment here. Thank you for checking out my site and I wish you luck!



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